Rock Groynes
Groynes are often thought of as one end of a rock sill. Deflecting or repelling groynes are often used to push water away from severely eroding banks. Sediment often builds up between the groynes where a succession of grasses, bushes and eventually trees grow. Groynes are often installed as part of a bank stabilization effort to further increase fish habitat while controlling stream flow direction and velocity. They are designed to slow the flow of water and reudce the risk of sending an erosion problem downstream. The KWRC and our partners have been able to install 57 rock groyne structures throughout our watershed (2017).
Benefits of Groynes:
1. Control flow direction and velocity on hardemed stream banks to reduce risk of downstream erosion.
2. Increase fish habitat.
3. Increase stream channel stability.

Looking down on a rock groyne installed on McNair Brook.