Stabilized Fording Sites
Since crop and pasture lands often straddle watercourses, providing safe crossings for livestock and equipment with reduced potential for negative water quality effects is critical. Additionally, watering livestock at rivers is often the only practical option for agricultural producers. The KWRC has used stable fording sites as both watering locations for livestock as well as crossings for farm equipment. The approaches are properly aligned and hardened, and the stream bottom is stabilized with hard rock to prevent erosion and rutting. Since 1994 the KWRC has installed 85 stabilized fording sites in the watershed.
Kennebecasis Watershed Restoration Committee
Worth Wading Into
Destruction of riparian zones opens the door to severe stream bank erosion, with numerous detrimental impacts to the watercourse at the site and even more so downstream.
The KWRC works to remedy stream bank erosion and other habitat degradations through various restoration techniques; restoring our ecosystems to the thriving and diverse sites they once were.
Past work: The 1994 habitat assessment project revealed numerous issues in the watershed that can often be attributed to poor land use and riparian zone degradation. This includes activities such asland clearing, agriculture, infrastructure development, forestry and other land uses from our increasing population.
Present: Since our humble beginnings in 1994, the KWRC has worked tirelessly in our watershed to restore stream banks and habitats. In 2020 we successfully stabilized over 100 meters of stream bank, and enhanced over 5000 m² of riparian zone in our watershed. Each year the KWRC works to increase our capacity - working to restore our watershed one stream at a time.
Click on the images below to learn more about our restoration techniques
Site Map
Since 1994, the KWRC has completed restoration work at over 60 sites, each with its own unique characteristics. Click the site locations on our map for information on which of the above-listed techniques were used and for photos before and after our restoration efforts.
For our full Restoration Site Portfolio (1995-2022), click here.